美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MS in Computer Science是美国西北大学(Northwestern University)Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , School of Engineering开设的专业。指南者留学整理收集2020年美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MS in Computer Science申请截止时间、2020年美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MS in Computer Science语言成绩要求、2020年美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MS in Computer Science申请材料要求供大家参考。
美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MS in Computer Science申请截止时间
美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MS in Computer Science语言成绩要求
The required minimum scores for MS students: 80 IBT, 213 CBT, and 550 PBT.
There is no hard requirement for minimum GRE scores however, this metric is used by faculty in conjunction with other performance metrics to assess each applicant’s potential and academic strength.
美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MS in Computer Science申请材料要求
This part of the overall application carries an extremely important weight and the ones that are written in a clear and focused manner will be favored. Namely, upon reading it, an evaluator/faculty should get a crisp idea as to:
Why is it that you would like to work in a particular major/specialization/topic and with a particular faculty as your adviser (for MS applicants this could be a project or thesis adviser)?
Why is it that a particular faculty should be interested in having you as an advisee?
In each case, a successful applicant will provide a good balance between background, vision, and desiderata.
The fee for an application to a single program is $95
A minimum of two letters is required, but three is highly recommended. The Recommendation File Service (RFS) acts as an intermediary in the process. It is a common expectation that students be willing to waive the right to view their letters without question.
It is not required to send a hardcopy of your official transcripts. Instead, upload a scanned copy of it/them in PDF, along with all the other supplementary materials, into your online application. Upon admission you may be required to provide the original transcript(s).