
指南者留学 2021-11-22 08:04:07

美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MA in Learning Sciences是美国西北大学(Northwestern University)School of Education&Social Policy开设的专业。指南者留学整理收集2020年美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MA in Learning Sciences申请截止时间、2020年美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MA in Learning Sciences语言成绩要求、2020年美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MA in Learning Sciences申请材料要求供大家参考。

美国西北大学MA in Learning Sciences语言成绩要求-申请截止时间-申请材料要求

美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MA in Learning Sciences申请截止时间

2020-12-31 Early

美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MA in Learning Sciences语言成绩要求

TOEFL For the TOEFL, you must score 600 or higher on the paper-based test, 250 or higher on the computer-based test, 100 or higher on the internet based test. IELTS For the IELTS, you must receive a score of 7.0 or higher. English proficiency scores are required of all international applicants. GRE GRE scores must be sent directly from ETS and must be no older than five years at time of matriculation

美国西北大学(Northwestern University)MA in Learning Sciences申请材料要求

PS Statement of purpose CV Resume Fee Application fee of $95 submitted online RL Two letters of recommendation Transcript Copies of unofficial transcripts may be submitted during the application process. However, official transcripts are required of all admitted students before the start of the first quarter.




大陆本科 海外本科
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