
指南者留学 2022-02-21 08:06:48





专业英文名: Marketing and Operations Management - MBA

学   制:2.00 年

学   费:商业管理学




领   域:商业管理学



在所有制造和服务公司,营销和运营管理是两个密切相关的功能领域。美国宾西法尼亚大学市场营销与运营管理工商管理硕士专业主要是通过深入培训满足行业在营销和管理两方面的要求。美国宾西法尼亚大学市场营销与运营管理工商管理硕士专业的毕业生能够更好地准备接受未来的职业挑战。比如他们的第一份工作任务可能是包括根据特定产品协调市场和生产的品牌经理、咨询公司的项目经理、新产品开发团队的成员、质量管理项目的领导者或者负责创建和营销新服务的服务部门经理。 Marketing and Operations Management are two closely interrelated functional areas in all manufacturing and service firms. This cross-functional major is designed to satisfy the strong need in industry for MBAs with in-depth training in both areas. Graduates from this major are better prepared to accept future career challenges. Examples of their first job assignment include brand managers who have to coordinate marketing and manufacturing for a particular product, project managers in consulting firms, members of new product development teams, leaders of quality management programs, or managers in the service sector with responsibility for creating and marketing new services.


美国宾西法尼亚大学市场营销与运营管理工商管理硕士专业课程入学要求: 学术要求: 1.大学毕业; 2.通过GMAT或者GRA(含考试申请); 语言要求:雅思不低于7分;托福不低于100分;(在英语国家已获得硕士学位可免除这一项) 其他要求:信用卡支付265美元申请费用; The minimum requirements to apply to the MBA program include: Completion of an undergraduate program in an accredited U.S. college or its equivalent in another country. Results of the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Submission of the Wharton application. Results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) unless you have earned an undergraduate or Master’s degree in an English-speaking country or from an institution in which English is the language of instruction. To waive the TOEFL, you must include a letter requesting the waiver in your application AND documentation that your education was in English. Testing We require ALL applicants to take the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) or the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations). Recommendations, Interviews, Fees, etc. A non-refundable application fee of $265, paid by credit card, must accompany this application. 美国宾西法尼亚大学市场营销与运营管理工商管理硕士专业申请材料: 毕业证、学位证扫描件/在读证明 成绩单(在校成绩、语言成绩) 个人陈述 银行存款证明 翻译件(所有中文申请材料的翻译件,并加盖公章) 2-3封推荐信


美国宾西法尼亚大学市场营销与运营管理工商管理硕士课程设置:营销管理,动态营销策略,战略营销模拟,公司的生产核心管理:质量和生产率,公司的生产核心管理:业务分析,公司的生产核心管理:信息技术和业务转型,公司的生产核心管理:创新,公司的生产核心管理:操作策略,营销决策的数据和分析等。 Requirements for the Marketing and Operations Management Major * - Total of 7.0 course units (cu): Marketing Core: MKTG 611 - Marketing Management (0.5 cu) and either MKTG 612 - Dynamic Marketing Strategy (0.5 cu) or MKTG 613 - Strategic Marketing Simulation (0.5 cu) OPIM Core: OPIM 611 - Managing the Productive Core of the Firm: Quality and Productivity (0.5 cu) and either OPIM 612 - Managing the Productive Core of the Firm: Business Analytics (0.5) or OPIM 613 - Managing the Productive Core of the Firm: Information Technology and Business Transformation (0.5) or OPIM 614 - Managing the Productive Core of the Firm: Innovation (0.5 cu) or OPIM 615 - Managing the Productive Core of the Firm: Operations Strategy (0.5 cu) A MKTG Research Course - One of the following MKTG courses (course sets) is required MKTG 712 - Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions (1.0 cu) OR MKTG 771 - Models for Marketing Strategy (1.0 cu) OR MKTG 776 - Applied Probability Models in Marketing (1.0 cu) OR MKTG 809 - Special Topics: Experiments for Business Decision Making (1.0 cu) OR MKTG 940/941 - Measurement and Data Analysis in Marketing (must take both courses, each .5 cu) See note below OR MKTG 942/943 - Resarch Methods in Marketing



宾夕法尼亚大学 市场营销与运营管理工商管理硕士



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