专业英文名: Graduate Certificate in Computational and Information Science
学 制:0.50 年
学 费:信息技术学
领 域:信息技术学
普林斯顿大学计算机现在是科学,工程,越来越多的人文科学发现的重要工具。科学计算也是一个多样化的领域。它需要数值分析的知识(开发新的和更精确的算法)以及软件工程的最佳实践(实施和维护日益增长的科学软件系统),计算机科学(在硬件和编程实践中利用新兴趋势),统计和数据建模。 美国普林斯顿大学信息与计算科学研究生证书课程学制半年。美国普林斯顿大学信息与计算科学研究生证书课程设置:大气和海洋的数值预报,偏微分方程导论,等离子体物理中的计算方法,基因组学和计算分子生物学导论,大型基因组数据集的分析与可视化,计算非线性动力学的主题,计算复杂度,细胞与生物化学计算系统,计算地球物理,流体流动的仿真与建模。 Introduction and Rationale Computation is now a crucial tool for discovery in the sciences, engineering, and increasingly so in the humanities. Scientific computation is also a diverse field. It requires a working knowledge of numerical analysis (to develop new and more accurate algorithms), best-practices in software engineering (to implement and maintain ever-growing scientific software systems), computer science (to exploit emerging trends in hardware and programming practices), and statistics and data modeling (to analyze and interpret the massive digital data sets that are now routinely collected in all fields). The graduate certificate in computational and information science is open to Princeton University graduate students who are currently enrolled. It is designed to recognize the achievements of students who have undertaken comprehensive training in these topics, both through formal course work and through research in their subject area. The certificate program was originally proposed and designed to be part of the Program in Integrative Information, Computer and Application Sciences (PICASso) by Professor J.P. Singh, with the resources required to administer the program now provided by the Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE).
美国普林斯顿大学信息与计算科学研究生证书课程入学要求: 学术要求: 大学本科毕业,拥有学士学位,GPA不低于3.5分。 语言要求:雅思总分不低于7分,托福总分不低于100分。 美国普林斯顿大学信息与计算科学研究生证书课程申请材料: 毕业证、学位证扫描件 成绩单(在校成绩、语言成绩) 个人陈述 银行存款证明 翻译件(所有中文申请材料的翻译件,并加盖公章) 2-3封推荐信
美国普林斯顿大学信息与计算科学研究生证书课程设置: 大气和海洋的数值预报,偏微分方程导论,等离子体物理中的计算方法,基因组学和计算分子生物学导论,大型基因组数据集的分析与可视化,计算非线性动力学的主题,计算复杂度,细胞与生物化学计算系统,计算地球物理,流体流动的仿真与建模。 Numerical Prediction of the Atmosphere and Ocean Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Computational Methods in Plasma Physics Introduction to Genomics & Computational Molecular Biology Analysis & Visualization of Large-Scale Genomics Data Sets Topics in Computational Nonlinear Dynamics Computational Complexity Cellular and Biochemical Computing Systems Computational Geophysics Simulation and Modeling of Fluid Flows
普林斯顿大学 信息与计算科学研究生证书