专业英文名: Master of Science in Physical Sciences
学 制:1.00 年
学 费:自然科学
领 域:自然科学
芝加哥大学物理是一门研究物质、能量、力量以及它们之间相互作用的学科。美国芝加哥大学物理学文科学士课程涵盖了物理理论,物理实验,天文学和天体物理学等广泛的基础知识,还包括一些工程和技术背景很强的许多跨学科知识(例如,生物物理学,医学物理学,大气和环境科学)。通过美国芝加哥大学物理学文科学士课程的学习,我们的毕业生可以在机械制造,汽车产品设计,航空航天,通讯,医疗,计算机等行业工作,也可以到政府,学校或者其他研究机构从事物理研究工作。 Physics is concerned with the study of matter, energy, forces, and their interaction in the world and universe around us. The undergraduate curriculum in the Department of Physics leading to the BA in physics includes a strong emphasis on experiment and covers the broad fundamentals necessary for graduate study in theoretical physics, experimental physics, or astronomy and astrophysics, as well as some fields of engineering and many interdisciplinary specialties requiring a strong technical background (e.g., biophysics, medical physics, atmospheric and environmental sciences).
美国芝加哥大学物理学文科学士课程入学要求: 学术要求: 高中毕业,成绩优秀,GPA不低于3.5分 语言要求:雅思总分不低于7分,各单科不少于7分,托福总分不低于100分。 English language competence: We strongly recommend a score of 100 or higher on the Internet Based TOEFL or 600 or higher on the Paper Based TOEFL. Minimum required scores in the IELTS (students must take the Academic test, not the General Training test) are an overall score of 7, with sub scores of 7 each. The minimum acceptable score on the PTE is 70. Required Materials: Application for Admission Application Fee or Waiver Secondary School Report and International School Supplement to the Secondary School Report Teachers’ Evaluations Test Scores An English Language Proficiency Test Midyear Report 美国芝加哥大学物理学文科学士课程申请材料: 毕业证、学位证扫描件 成绩单(在校成绩、语言成绩) 个人陈述 银行存款证明 翻译件(所有中文申请材料的翻译件,并加盖公章) 2-3封推荐信
美国芝加哥大学物理学文科学士课程设置: 力学;电学和磁学;荣誉力学;荣誉电学和磁学;微积分I-II ;荣誉微积分I-II;波,光学和热;物理学中的数学方法;分析Ⅲ;荣誉分析III;现代物理学;中级力学;量子力学I-II;实验物理I-II-Ⅲ;统计和热物理。 One of the following sequences: Mechanics; Electricity and Magnetism Honors Mechanics; Honors Electricity and Magnetism * One of the following sequences: Calculus I-II * Honors Calculus I-II MAJOR One of the following: Waves, Optics, and Heat Honors Waves, Optics, and Heat * One of the following: Calculus III * Honors Calculus III Introduction to Mathematical Methods in Physics One of the following: Mathematical Methods in Physics Analysis in Rn III Honors Analysis in Rn III Modern Physics Intermediate Mechanics Quantum Mechanics I-II Experimental Physics I-II-III Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism I-II Statistical and Thermal Physics Three electives (to be selected from list of approved courses)
美国芝加哥大学物理学文科学士课程就业方向: 学生毕业后有很多就业领域可以选择,包括机械制造,汽车产品设计,航空航天,通讯,医疗,计算机等行业,也可以到政府,学校或者其他研究机构从事物理研究工作。
芝加哥大学 物理科学理科硕士