专业英文名: Executive M.B.A.
学 制:2.00 年
学 费:商业管理学
领 域:商业管理学
美国芝加哥大学行政工商管理硕士课程将使你的职业生涯跨越一个新的台阶。行政工商管理硕士的一大特色在于它注重学生的分析问题能力,提出深刻的见解,并实行创造性的解决方案。 美国芝加哥大学行政工商管理硕士课程的教授把他们作为顾问,专家证人,董事会成员,甚至投资基金经理的经验带入课堂。学生将学习如何评估风险,接近客户,更具战略性的思考,并做出更好的决策,从而产生一系列的成果。通过行政工商管理硕士的学习,学生可以从事财务管理,企业管理,市场营销,人力资源管理,或企事业单位及政府部门从事会计事务以及教学、科研方面的工作。 Booth culture will prepare you to take your career to a new level. You'll experience an academic program that features: A unique culture - At Chicago Booth, there's an emphasis on analyzing problems, generating key insights, and implementing creative solutions. We stress the importance of asking questions and examining ideas. We strive to find ways to make things better and be prepared for all possibilities - because there are no clear-cut answers. You'll gain a powerful framework for making decisions throughout your career, in any business situation, in any industry. A curriculum you can use now - Chicago Booth professors bring their real-world experience as consultants, expert witnesses, board members, or even investment fund managers into the classroom. You'll learn how to assess risk, approach clients, think more strategically, and make better decisions producing a range of outcomes. You'll get the tools you need today and in the future. And for those who wish to take a deeper dive, you can follow a focused areas of elective study in capital markets, corporate finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, strategy, or leadership and management. Collaboration - Business is all about individuals with their own talents and abilities uniting to solve a problem and to make things better. You’ll find the same approach in our classrooms, and in our study groups you'll collaborate with faculty who share insights, encourage debate, and ask you to question your assumptions. You'll meet colleagues from three campuses, numerous industries, and many job functions who create a broader perspective and who are all driven to maximize the learning experience.
美国芝加哥大学行政工商管理硕士课程入学要求: 学术要求: 大学本科毕业,拥有学士学位,GPA不低于3分 语言要求:雅思总分不低于7分,各单科不少于7分,托福总分不低于104分,各单科不少于26分 The formal admissions requirements call for a bachelor's degree. However, exceptions have been made with applicants who have displayed an impressive professional and/or personal track record. A complete application (online) Essays Resume GMAT score (unless you have been granted a waiver) Three letters of recommendation, one from a direct supervisor Transcripts from all academic institutions that have granted you a degree(s) A US $175 application fee 美国芝加哥大学行政工商管理硕士课程申请材料: 毕业证、学位证扫描件 成绩单(在校成绩、语言成绩) 个人陈述 银行存款证明 翻译件(所有中文申请材料的翻译件,并加盖公章) 2-3封推荐信
美国芝加哥大学行政工商管理硕士课程就业方向: 学生毕业后就业范围广泛,如财务管理,企业管理,市场营销,人力资源管理,或企事业单位及政府部门从事会计事务以及教学、科研方面的工作。
芝加哥大学 行政工商管理硕士